
This is a service offered by Appreciation at Work to help organizations track The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace training effectiveness. It is based on the Appreciation at Work Rating Scale™ (AAWRS) which is an effective pre- /post- training assessment tool. The service makes it easy and cost effective for an organization to view the results, identify the gains, and coach towards greater success.

Service functions

  • Process of collecting data at three points in the training process
    • Pre-workshop
    • Just-after-workshop
    • Months-since-workshop
  • Three Reports (sent via e-mail as PDF as specified when you order)
    • Workshop Report – Generated from surveys immediately after workshop to show initial class reaction and commitment
    • Overview Report – Generated several months after the workshop at a time identified by organization’s representative, this report summarizes the differences in the “months-since-workshop” responses to “pre-workshop” responses. This longer term review identifies:
      • Composite Appreciation Index
      • Top 3 Most Improved Areas Through Training
      • Highest Average Items for Group
      • Lowest Average Items for Group
      • Top Coaching Opportunity
    • Comprehensive Report – Augments the overview report with more details that may help draw additional conclusions about the work environment

Potential Benefits

  • Provides the ability to document objectively that the training process is positively contributing towards building a culture of appreciation
  • More candid and honest feedback obtained from anonymous survey and outsourced process
  • Easy ordering and survey implementation keeps internal administrative and management resources focused on results, not on labor to compile the data.
  • Additional consultation and coaching assistance available from Appreciation at Work™ staff and its network of Premiere Partners.
  • Professional Employee Engagement and Appreciation Survey