The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
Updated and revised new edition! The latest edition of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace is now available.
The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People, by Gary Chapman and Paul White, brings the love language concept to the workplace. This book will teach you how to improve job satisfaction, create more positive relationships between managers and employees, and decrease burnout rates. How? By teaching you to effectively communicate appreciation to employees, co-workers, and team members.
Appreciation at Work has done peer-reviewed research and polling through and post-COVID. The result of this research is a completely new chapter on how to effectively show appreciation to remote and hybrid employees including topics such as:
- the variety of remote work relationships
- trust in remote work relationships
- creating and maintaining a workplace culture
- the employer/supervisor perspective
- the employee perspective
- the key to keeping remote employees
- what neuroscience is showing
This edition also includes updated research (50+ citations) of data shared about the importance of appreciation and its positive impact on the functioning of businesses & organizations (including increased productivity and higher profitability when your employees feel appreciated.
PLUS! Each book contains an access code for the online MBA (Motivating by Appreciation) Inventory (a $15 value), which identifies a person’s language of appreciation.
Appreciation is the key to success because we all work better when we feel appreciated.